Learn To Draw Flowers With Shapes – Lesson #2

Welcome back to Lesson #2 in our Learn to Draw with Shapes. This week we are going to explore a new shape, and of course, there is  a free worksheet to help you practice. Are you ready to try out our next shape? Grab your pencil and let’s get drawing.

Learn To Draw

Last week we practiced with the circle. Hopefully you enjoyed discovering how easy it is to make simple flowers using just this one basic shape. This week we will be expanding our shape repertoire to include the teardrop.

Learn To Draw Shape #2 – The Teardrop

in this lesson we will be exploring the simple teardrop. This shape has alot of potential.  It can be right side up, upside down or cut in half.  Remember to just have fun with this. Let that pencil flow around these shapes in whatever way makes you feel relaxed while you learn to draw.


Learn To Draw

We will practice this shape in various widths and sizes.

(upside down teardrop)

Then we will learn to draw shapes within shapes and finally we will combine it with the shape we have already been practicing, the circle.

Teardrop Top Half


  1. Use the same size of teardrop though out
  2. Place them around a centre point
  3. They can be right next to each other or spaced out from each other


  1. Use two or more different sizes of teardrops
  2. Space them out around a centre circle
  3. Create a pattern of petals for a unique flower

Check Out More of My Drawing Classes

Partial Teardrop

  1. By only using part of the teardrop around a circle you create a unique petal design in your flower
  2. Use a pencil to place your full teardrops, then add a circle to your centre
  3. Finally, erase the lines out of the circle and you get partial teardrops.

Reverse the Shape

  1. When you turn your teardrops upside down you get a different type of petal.
  2. Place these upside down shapes around a circle.
  3. Now you have a completely different flower style.

Check Out My Full Workbook and Learn To Draw All Kinds of Shapes

Ready To Get Drawing?
Watch The Video Tutorial Here

Remember, practice is the best way to improve on your drawing skills. So have fun and doodling and I’ll see you in Lesson #3 where we will learn all about the Curved Petal shape.

Enjoy and I’ll see you in the next tutorial.

Thanks for joining me and getting creative.
~ Jane ~

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.” – Georgia O’Keeffe