Learn To Draw Flowers With Shapes Lesson 7

Congratulations, you have made it to Lesson #7, the final lesson in our Learn to Draw with Shapes. We have worked our way through 6 shapes and today is the day we put them all together to create one awesome flower!

Grab your pencil and lets get creating. 

Here is a recap of the shapes and where to find the lessons if you missed any:

  • Lesson #1 we covered our first shape the Circle and it’s various forms.
  • Lesson #2  the Teardrop was our focus and we explored adding it to our circle.
  • Lesson #3  here we learned to get a little looser and more expressive with our new shape the Curved Petal.
  • Lesson #4  the Diamond was covered where we explored how to add softer curves to a traditionally sharp edged shape.
  • Lesson #5  the Wavy Leaf was our new shape and gave us a chance to get a little loose and curvy.
  • Lesson #6  the Wavy Leaf was our new shape and gave us a chance to get a little loose and curvy.

And here we are on Lesson #7 , Where we are going to put all the shapes together


Learn to Draw – Putting all the shapes together

Now to make ourselves a flower.  We do not have to use all the shapes at once, of course.  It just gives you a really nice selection to make a detailed and intricate flower out of simple shapes.  So let’s try a few combinations first, to get the feel for this.  Let’s finish up our learn to draw journey.

You can use nature as your inspiration and find flowers and leaves that you would like to try drawing.  Pick out the simple shapes within them.

Or you can go with your imagination and create whimsical fantasy botanicals, which of course is my favourite way to create.

Flower Idea #1

    • Use Teardrops and Half Teardrops
    • Place them around a centre point
    • Create three layers, and add outlines around each layer

Learn To Draw

Flower Idea #2

    • Use Heart Shape Petals and place around a centre circle
    • Create Half Heart Shape Layers behind the first full heart shape petals
    • Add in lines for Veins and create interest within the petals

Flower Idea #3

    • Use Wavy Diamonds around a centre circle
    • Create a second layer behind the first
    • You are getting the idea now, you can do this with all the shapes

Learn To draw

Flower Idea #4

    • Now Combine a few more shapes
    • Mix Wavy Diamonds with Teardrops
    • Place them around a circle and then fill the circle with tiny circles

Flower Idea #5

    • Now we have Heart Shape Petals with Teardrops
    • Place them around a centre circle
    • Add a Spiral to the centre of your circle

Get the Whole Gang Together

    • Try using all the shapes together to make a complete flower
    • check out the worksheet to see the version I came up with
    • Let your imagination Go

Check Out All My Drawing Classes and Learn To Draw The Simple and Fun Way

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Thanks for joining me and getting creative.

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.” – Georgia O’Keeffe